Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

english education

“Why teens smoke ciggarettes”
The factors why teens smoke?

Now we are already familiar-looking teenage smoking Smoking behavior had started in childhood and adolescence. Almost all understand the harmful consequence of smoking. The question is, why are there still many of these teens do not try to avoid this behavior? There are various reasons behind smoking behavior in adolescents. In general, smoking behavior due to factors within themselves also caused by environmental factors. Factors in adolescents can be seen from the study of adolescent development, the psychosocial crisis of Erikson says that adolescence is a time of searching for his true identity. Smoking is a habit for many teenagers today, many factors that affect why teens smoke. parents who want their children not to smoke then advised family members not to smoke or do not give a positive pengukuh when adolescent smoking.
Peers provide a substantial contribution to the teens to smoke, in this case if the parents do not want their children to smoke, then parents need to be vigilant in their peer group.
Smoking behavior is more based on emotional considerations. In connection with the issue of preventive and curative efforts should not use cognitive approaches such as the provision of information or the negative effects of smoking dangers, but touches afeksional or emotional approach. These are some of the factors why teens smoke.First Genetic factors Genetic factors are the following factors from birth by humans. This genetic factor is a factor that is below or inherited by the parents. The second is the experience factor Circumstances learned or experienced and observed by one of the experienced events of his life journey that will shape the behavior is different for each individual in developing his social behavior.
The third factor is that environmental factors play an important role in the conditions experienced by a person from birth, childhood to adulthood both within the family and the surrounding environment will have different effects on the development of each subsequent masing.faktor factor is the education factor This greatly affected because education is a cornerstone in the process of divulging adolescents in family socialization in education when she gets treated poorly then he will easily be her doing things that can ruin himself like smoke can damage her self itself. If in a group of adolescents, smoking is an activity that is often done so juvenile incorporated in it tend to perform activities of smoking Smoking is one habit that is often encountered in everyday life. Lifestyle is interesting as a social problem in which teens should not smoke either by considerations of the impact and of the social views of people who think that teenagers who smoke is considered as a social aberration. Being a heavy smoker is the result of the experimental process that generally starts from adolescence. There are environmental think smoking is something unethical done by teens. However, there is also an environment where smoking among adolescents is a natural thing, or even if teenage boys are not permitted to say a teenage boy strange. Selin, there are also teenage boys who smoke because he saw his father smoked
For teen group solidarity is an important thing. Teens tend to do what is often done group.

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