Senin, 17 Maret 2014

english education

Descriptive text

            Descriptive text is text which says what a person or things ar place , the purpose is to describe a particular person,place or thing
Generic structure
·         Topic sentence
Complete sentence , the most general sentence, topic and controlling idea

·         Supporting sentence
About supporting detail

·         Concluding sentence
Summary , logical conclution suggestion

·         Logical development

Language features
·         Using linking verb such as (look,smell, taste, see,seem)
·         Using three parameter of senses ( visual auditory, smell)
·         Using spatial order in which preposition precedes the verb
·         Using multiple tenses based on the time : past present

a. Definition expository
a pharagraph that explain or analyze a topic is an expository pharagraph.  Can be divided into several model of writing  such as process pharagraph.

b.Generic structure
·      Topic sentences
·      Supporting sentences
·      Concludimg sentences
c. Language form
·      Using process verbs (begin,start, contine, remain)
·      Using present tenses either verbal
·      Using charts, graphic, and other visual
·      Using questions word mark such as how and and

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