Senin, 31 Maret 2014

1.         Give descriptions how to write pharagraph with adequate in adequate cohesion?
When you want to say something  not enough or god for a particular need, use the adjective adequate. You might have an adequate amount of flour for a batch of pancakes, but not a lot ekstra. Adequate can also describe something that is acceptable or satisfactory, but not any better than that, you might say that a students  this word is from latin adequate to make equal from the prefix
Cohesion is the glue that a writing together it say if a paper is cohesive it stick together from sentence to sentence and from paragraph to paragraph , cohesive device include transitional words and pharases, and before we write pharagrap with adequate and inadequate cohesion we must know repition key words and after that you must write the paragraph relevancein your writing.

2. Tell more about cohesion?

Cohesion is the attraction within a substance or between the parts of grup (as opposed to adhesion which refers to attractionsto other substances) the coheviness of molecules is what makes rocks and steel hard and makes rubber able to stretch without breaking. The term is also applied to the cohesive. A cohesive text createdin many different ways there is five general categories of cohesive devices that create coherence in text : references, ellipsis, subtituation.

1.      Different between cohesion and coherence

1.      Cohesion is the glue that hold a piece of writing together, if a paper is cohesive it sticks together from sentences to sentence and from pharagarp to paragraph, cohesive device certainly include transitional word and phrases.

2.      Cohesion is refers to connectivity in a text

3.      cohesion as rather more mechanical links at a language level.

4.      Repetition of key words and use of references words
1.      Coherence refers to how easy it is to understand the writing.

2.      Repetition of a key term or phrase.

3.      Coherence as the discourse making sense as a whole at an ideas.

1.     Show which text or sentence that show adequate and inadequate cohesion on your paragraph by underling or putting in the table?

Aristhophanes exxagrreates Socrates intelligence in a humorous way, arierthopanes pertray Socrates, intelligence as a toll humor. He makes Socrates use his intelligence to make a mockery of people . aristhopanies makes Socrates appear very brush in the use of his intelligence.
 the author conveys only two points with these four sentence , that ariesthopaies uses scrotates intelligence as a joke and that he did so by having Socrates use his intelligence ,cutting away the repetitions.
 Ariesthopanies exaggerates Socrates intelligence in a humorous way,the playwright makes scrotas use his intelegence to make a mockery of people, being very brash in the procces.